Provides Information of Mukhiya, Panchayat Samiti, Sarpanch, Zila Parishad, MLA, and MP of Bihar.
Provides Nearby You feature using Google Map to search things like ATM, Bank, Railway Station, Bus Stop, Hospital, School,Police Station, Restaurant etc. nearby you.
Provides Holiday/Festival lists of current and upcoming 3 years, Flashlight, On the go Notebook and it works in our native language - Hindi.
MeraGaon connects you to all important contacts.
Our Nearby Feature allows to find all kinds of nearby spots wherever you go. Connect to get all infomation.
MeraGaon provides infomation without any Internet Connection.
We provides all data from public domains and it's growing everyday in every related domain.
You don't need to look in calender to find public holidays, get holidays list upto 4 upcoming years.
We love to get feedback from you. You can share ideas to introduce new features. Send corrected data if it need. We will respond soon enough.
MeraGaon is a public daily use information app with a GPS enabled Nearby feature. It makes your phone work as your pocket info book for day to day communication with the Person-Offices that are made for public. We provide their contact Informations/ Addresses to users, So they can easily contact them for any kind of help or service.
Build the app with love.
Build the app with brain.
It's an amazing and unique app. It's special not because it is related to rural areas but also its use GPS technologies to identify nearby places which other applications don't do in same way. It can be used for multi-application like to find local administration, local representative and hospital etc. Overall we can say sarkari babu and nearby places of unknown locations are on our fingertips.
It's astounding...such a nice idea... It will really help to people on very basic level...keep it up..keep growing..
बहुत अच्छा प्रयास किया गया है..बहुत उपयोगी एप्प है...क्यों की इसमें सबसे जरुरी ATM की जानकारी के साथ-साथ नजदीकी थाना का भी संपर्क सूत्र कही भी रहें आसानी से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है..आप बधाई के पात्र है..जो आपने इस विषय को समाहित कर एप्प बनाया है......